January 5, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas time is here. Unbelievable. This year has flown by so fast. It truly has been a great year for us. Now we get to spend some time with the family. Christmas will get started with Christmas Eve service at West End Assembly of God and then at St. Edwards Catholic Church. Then Kath and I will open our presents to each other, YAAAY!! Kathleen's family will get together at her parents' house on Christmas Day and through the following weekend. My parents will travel to my sister's house before Christmas and the Newtons will do Christmas in January. In between, we will get together with our good friends and have another Christmas get together. So we have a lot of time to celebrate.

Christmas Day was a little quieter this year. James and John were the only Calpin siblings to make it on Christmas Day, so the only kids at the house were James' two delightful teenage (or almost teenage) girls. So there were not rowdy toddlers ripping packages and screaming with glee (or crying in despair). Dinner was nice and civilized with no food thrown. It was almost like being in the wrong house. However, the prime rib was perfect as always. Thanks, Mom and Dad for all your hard work to make Christmas so nice.

Friday was a little different. Peg showed up with her clan and things seemed a little more familiar. JJ and Will ripped open presents and stacked up their treasures. We almost needed more room. Patrick and his clan arrived and all the Calpins were accounted for. We are not sure how the mountain of presents will fit in the vehicles, but what a good problem to have. Apparently all the kids and grandkids were good this year, because Gram and Pop spoiled us all.

The rest of the weekend was spent watching football, shopping, returning, and playing with toys. Truly a great ending to a great Christmas.

On January 4th, we met Greg and Terri Mann and the Rands for Christmas part 2. The Mann's and Kath and I got the Rand boys the video game Guitar Hero (with 2 guitars) and I could not wait for them to open it. Although the food, conversation, and other gifts were good, the highlight was jamming on the guitars. We did let the kids play, but Dan and I did take our turns and we are now planning our world tour. But seriously, Kath and I are so thankful and truly blessed to have such great friends. The Kaufholds could not make it up, they are neck deep in their new adventure, owning a restaurant. But we will be making a trip to see them soon.

On January 11th, we had Newton Family Christmas. My sister and her family came up from Hampton and my parents, my sister in law and nephew came from Powhatan to have a day of celebration. My nephews brought the Wii and we had a blast playing Guitar Hero, Bowling, Hula Hoop, Ski Jumping, and Soccer. We laughed so hard watching each other play. It was a great day of food, gifts and fun. This was a great Christmas. We are truly blessed.