January 9, 2010

Christmas 2009

Christmas was awesome. We had a great time with family and friends. What a great way to celebrate God's greatest gift, his Son.
Christmas celebration started by spending Christmas Eve with Kathleen's family. The celebration continued on Christmas day with Kathleen's Mom's throwing another tremendous party. We had breakfast, snacks, and at 2:00 pm we had a true feast. Prime Rib and all the fixins. We only paused long enough to open the avalanche of presents that had descended on the living room. What a great day.
Christmas continued on Sunday when the Newtons came to my house to party. It wasn't quite Kathleen's Mom's spread, but we did chow down on some good food. It was great to visit and share gifts.
We stretched Christmas a little longer when we met with the Manns, Kaufholds, and Rands at the Mann's house on New Year's eve. Another great time of celebration and fellowship. Christmas came and went too fast again, but it was a great time with wonderful people.

Thanksgiving 2009

It truly is a time to give thanks. It has been a tremendous year for Kathleen and I. We celebrated by spending a few days at my sister's house. It was a great weekend. Food, fun, and more food.

Thanksgiving day had our newest tradition of fried turkey. And we are happy to report that no injuries or calls to 911 were needed. Friday was a day of recuperation or shopping, your choice. And the weekend was basically eat leftovers and nap. Sunday was a great day the was highlighted by my sister sharing her testimony at church. God certainly is good and is blessing the Pollock family in a mighty way.

Our New Marine

My nephew, Ricky Pollock, graduated from Marine Bootcamp on October 16 2009. It was great to finally see him. After weeks of no communication other than a few letters, it was great to finally see and speak to him. The ceremony was a little short, due to moving inside because of the rain, but it was a nice way to wrap up his training. Parris Island is located in beautiful Bueford, SC and we stayed in a beautiful rental home on the intercoastal waterway.

We are so proud of all he has accomplished and know he will do great things. Congratulations, PFC Pollock.