September 9, 2009

At the Lake with the Gang

Well, only part of the Gang. Only the Rands could make the trip this year. But that left some space and my sister and her family came to play with us. We had a blast. Swimming, skiing and wakeboarding. But tubing, that was so much fun. Marcus Rand is the tube king. We had to pry him out of the tube. He could have gone all day. We strung 4 and 5 tubes behind the boat and went wild. When we took all those tubes down to the boat, we joked that "You might be a redneck, if it takes 2 truckloads to take all your boat toys to the water". We had a campfire Sat night and the boys even caught some fish, well, one catfish. It was a crazy, fast weekend, but we crammed a lot of fun in 2 days.

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