November 9, 2010

Hunting 2010

We have had a great season this year.  I took my first crossbow deer on Oct 16.  It was a nice sized doe at about 30 yards at Provost in the new stand on the log road.

Keith took a nice 6 point buck with his muzzleloader on Nov 6 at Spring Hill in the stand near the powerline.  On Nov 27, Keith took a button buck with his .270 at his property in the low field.

December 18th was a great day in the snowy deer woods.  Mike and I each killed a deer walking to our stand first thing in the morning.  As we crested the knoll to go down the log road at Provost, Mike saw 2 deer at the edge of the field about 70 yards away.  Mike was very generous to let me have the first shot and my deer went straight down.  Mike had his sights on the other deer and his gun misfired.  He chambered another round and tried to shoot, but forgot to take the safety off.  When he was finally ready to shoot, the deer was still standing there and he made a great shot.  The rest of the day was filled with dogs running deer everywhere.  I shot at another deer and found blood, but tracked it until we were on the neighbor's property.  So I went to let them know we were looking for a deer and they said the deer ran by one of them and they shot it.  I'm just glad it was found.  One of the best days I've had in the woods.

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