February 23, 2011

Chistmas 2010

Christmas brought us a little snow.  It also interrupted our plans.  Because of the 5 inches of snow, Patrick, Pegeen and their families did not make it for Christmas Day to Mom and Dad Calpin's house.  That made for a quieter Christmas.  James and his clan did come down and John was already in town, but with everyone in the house over the age of 13, it made for a more orderly Christmas day.  But still loads of fun.  We opened presents and ate an awesome dinner. 

On Monday, Kathleen and I met up with Karen and the girls and enjoyed an incredible display of ice.  We went to the Gaylord Hotel and saw incredible ice sculptures of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and the Manger Scene.  The pictures do not do it justice.  It was awesome, but cold.  They keep it so cold in the place, they give you huge blue parkas to wear as you walk through the display.  What a Christmas treat.  Pegeen, Dave and the boys did make it up later in the week and we did enjoy visiting with them.

On New Years Eve, the Newton Clan met at our house to ring in the New Year and celebrate Christmas.  We also got to celebrate the fact that JW and Dana were now officially engaged.  What a joy to spend time together and celebrate new beginnings.

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