November 21, 2008

Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom

On Saturday, our last day, we first ventured to the Animal Kingdom. We first rode the Expedition Everest, and then got right back on again. It truly is a great roller coaster. Next was the Safari and we saw all the amazing animals up close and personal. We then experienced the Dinosaur ride, the Lion King show, and the Flights of Wonder show. Terri Mann and I got to actually be in the Flights of Wonder show, we will be famous. We ended our stay by seeing the It's Tough to be a Bug 4D show. Kathleen is not quite so afraid of bugs anymore.
We then traveled to the Magic Kingdom to experience the real Disney World as Kathleen would say. We experienced the Buzz Lightyear ride, Haunted Mansion, Thunder Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean and Space Mountain. Our heads were spinning after all those rides. We ended the day with the whole gang viewing the Spectromagic Light Parade followed by the best fireworks show in the world. We had premier seats and enjoyed seeing the fireworks explode over Cinderella's lit castle. We couldn't believe our journey was at the end, but what a time it was!! Thanks to the Manns, Rands, and Kaufholds for making our vacation so special. It truly was one of the best times of our lives.

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