November 20, 2008

Castaway Cay, Disney's Slice of Heaven

While eating another wonderful breakfast on Tuesday, we arrived at Disney's island, Castaway Cay. There is no way to describe it other than, WOW! The sky and water were their own shade of brilliant blue. Kathleen and I started our day by going snorkeling on a reef just a little ways off the island. It was one of the most incredible things I have ever done. We saw thousands of bright, beautiful fish less than an arms length away. It was like swimming in a fish tank. After returning to the island, we had an incredible bbq lunch with the Rands and then it was off to the snow white beach. We parked ourselves on some lounge chairs under an umbrella and I had a nap. The cabana girl brought us some tropical drinks and we just relaxed in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

The evening found us back on the ship for another great dinner at Animators Palette. Following dinner was a Pirate Party on the Deck. Food, dancing and having fun was followed by the Pirates of the Carribean movie shown on the huge deck screen.

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