November 19, 2008

Off to See Captain Mickey

The Manns, Kaufholds and Newtons left at a very early 2 am on Sat, 11/8 to start our Disney Vacation. As we traveled down I-95 in the Kaufhold's RV, we talked about our 5 days at sea and 2 days in the parks. We met the Rands in beautiful Cocoa Beach, Fl at 5 pm on Sat and spend the night anticipating the beginning of our cruise the next day.

As we arrived at the ship on Sunday, I could not believe my eyes. As we boarded the ship and left for the Bahamas, my eyes were still as big as saucers as we toured the huge, beautiful ship. The lunch buffet was everything Greg had told me, including the shrimp as big as your fist. As we departed, we partied on deck and set the tone for all the fun to come. Dinner at Tritons was incredible. And the only thing that could top the dinner was the broadway style show we saw, The Golden Mickeys. What a great way to end the first day.

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